
US 2024 Budget Deficit Soars Beyond Expectations

The United States' fiscal predicament intensifies, with the deficit reaching a new high in 2024: Beware of global economic risks

The United States, the world's largest economy, is mired in a severe fiscal crisis. In 2024, the U.S. federal deficit soared to a staggering $1.834 trillion, setting a new historical record. This figure not only surpasses that of the pandemic era but also significantly exceeds expectations. The U.S. government seems to be caught in a bottomless pit, continuously borrowing new debts to repay old ones, with the debt scale breaking through $35 trillion.

At the same time, the global trend of de-dollarization is accelerating, and the hegemonic status of the U.S. dollar is precarious. This series of issues is not only about the United States itself but will also have a profound impact on the global economic landscape. We must be vigilant that this economic storm, which started in the United States, may sweep across the globe.


U.S. fiscal deficit: An alarm that cannot be ignored

The data recently released by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office is shocking. In the fiscal year of 2024, the U.S. federal deficit will reach **$1.834 trillion**, an increase of 8.3% compared to the previous year. Behind this astronomical figure lies the deep crisis of the U.S. economy.

The significant rise in debt interest costs and the continuous increase in expenditures such as social security and medical insurance have become the main factors driving up the deficit. The U.S. government seems to be caught in a vicious cycle: borrowing new debts to repay old ones, yet having to pay more interest for the additional debts.

What is even more worrying is that the U.S. government debt has already broken through the **$35 trillion** mark. In just 2024, within less than a year, the U.S. government debt has increased by $1.9 trillion. At this rate, by 2034, the U.S. debt will increase by another $16 trillion. This growth rate far exceeds the growth rate of the U.S. economy and is clearly unsustainable.

Why has the United States fallen into such a predicament?As the world's largest economy, why has the United States fallen into such a severe fiscal predicament? What structural issues are hidden behind this situation? Does the U.S. government still have the ability to reverse this situation? These questions are worth our deep contemplation.

More importantly, what impact will the U.S. fiscal predicament have on the global economy? As the world's largest economy and the issuer of the U.S. dollar, every economic decision made by the United States could potentially trigger a chain reaction globally. Are we standing at a turning point for a new economic order?

The Roots of the U.S. Fiscal Predicament

The roots of the U.S. fiscal predicament can be traced back to multiple aspects. First, the United States has long relied on the method of "borrowing new to repay old" to maintain government operations, which is essentially overdrawing the future.

Second, there are serious issues with the U.S. government's expenditure structure. A large amount of funds are allocated to foreign military operations rather than domestic construction. This approach not only fails to bring substantial benefits to the United States but also exacerbates the fiscal burden.

Furthermore, the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve also plays a significant role. The low-interest-rate environment in recent years has stimulated the government and businesses to take on a large amount of debt, and subsequent interest rate hikes have increased the debt burden. It is also worth noting that the Federal Reserve, as a private bank with central banking powers, is a special institutional arrangement that is an important factor in the U.S. fiscal issues.

At the same time, the intensification of the global de-dollarization trend has also put immense pressure on U.S. finances. With the rise of emerging economies such as the BRICS countries, the status of the U.S. dollar as the world's currency is being challenged. This not only affects the United States' ability to harvest global wealth through the dollar system but also weakens the U.S. government's financing capabilities.

Diverse Perspectives: The U.S. Fiscal Predicament Sparks Widespread Discussion

The U.S. fiscal predicament has sparked widespread discussion in the international community. Some economists believe that the U.S. government needs to take immediate action to control spending and increase taxes to reverse the current situation.Some experts argue that the United States can leverage its unique position to alleviate debt pressure through monetary policies such as quantitative easing. There are also views that suggest the United States' fiscal predicament reflects the decline of its global hegemony, foreshadowing significant changes in the international economic order.

Faced with these divergent perspectives, we cannot help but ask: How should the United States respond to its current fiscal crisis? And how will this crisis affect the global economic landscape?

The Impact and Significance of the United States' Fiscal Predicament

The fiscal predicament of the United States is not merely a numerical game; it profoundly reflects the structural issues of the U.S. and the entire Western economic model. For a long time, the United States has relied on dollar hegemony and financial innovation to maintain its economic status, but this model is facing severe challenges. The acceleration of global de-dollarization, the rise of emerging economies, and the development of the digital economy are all reshaping the global economic landscape.

From a historical perspective, the current predicament of the United States bears some resemblance to the situation of the United Kingdom in the 1970s. At that time, the UK also faced severe fiscal deficits and debt issues, which ultimately led to the pound losing its status as the world's currency. **Will history repeat itself?** This question is worth pondering.

For China, the fiscal predicament of the United States is both a challenge and an opportunity. On one hand, as one of the largest creditors of the United States, China needs to cautiously respond to potential extreme measures that the U.S. might take, such as using inflation or debt default to alleviate its debt burden. On the other hand, this also creates conditions for the internationalization of the renminbi and for China to play a greater role in global economic governance.

Future Outlook: Possible Ways Out of the United States' Fiscal Predicament

In the face of a severe fiscal situation, the U.S. government may consider measures such as significantly reducing government spending, increasing taxes, or continuing to maintain the status quo through financial means. Optimistically, if the United States can successfully implement fiscal reforms, control the growth of deficits, and maintain a leading position in emerging industries, it may gradually emerge from its current predicament.

However, pessimistically, if the United States continues to ignore fiscal discipline and allows deficits and debt to climb, the credibility of the dollar may suffer a fatal blow, and the global economic order could face severe turmoil.Please provide the text you would like me to translate into English.

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