
Policy Benefits Boost M&A Activity

Qinchuan WuLian plans to "marry" PowerWater, and BaiAo Chemical plans to cross-industry merge and acquire a semiconductor equipment company. GuangZhi Technology plans to acquire shares of XianDiao Electronics... Since the release of the "M&A Six Articles," the market activity of mergers and acquisitions has been further enhanced.

Industry insiders believe that the "M&A Six Articles" has further stimulated the enthusiasm of listed companies for mergers and acquisitions. With the continuous release of policy dividends, the market for mergers and acquisitions is expected to usher in a new round of enthusiasm.

The number of industrial merger and acquisition cases has increased.


Mergers and acquisitions with industrial logic and based on the integration of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain have become the mainstream of the current merger and acquisition market, with continuous emergence of related cases.

On October 9, the announcement released by Aotewei stated that in order to increase the profits of the listed company and enhance the synergy between the management of the company's holding subsidiary, Wuxi Songci Electromechanical Co., Ltd., and the overall business of the listed company, the company plans to use its own and self-raised funds of 361 million yuan to acquire 33.21% of the shares of Songci Electromechanical held by minority shareholders.

In addition to Aotewei, Fulude's plan to acquire semiconductor industry-related assets and GuangZhi Technology's plan to acquire XianDiao Electronics are all the latest examples of industrial mergers and acquisitions.

From a series of cases, industrial mergers and acquisitions help industries improve quality and efficiency, and achieve high-quality development. Tang Shenqiu, the director of Beijing Hairuntianrui (Shenzhen) Law Firm, believes that a series of policies such as the "M&A Six Articles" strongly support listed companies to carry out mergers and acquisitions around strategic emerging industries and future industries, including cross-industry mergers and acquisitions based on the goals of transformation and upgrading, which will promote listed companies to move towards the "new" and achieve high-quality industrial development.

Cross-industry mergers and acquisitions are continuously being updated.

BaiAo Chemical's entry into the semiconductor track has become the latest example of cross-industry mergers and acquisitions.

On October 7, BaiAo Chemical announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Shanghai Xin'ao Hua Technology Co., Ltd., plans to increase its capital by 700 million yuan in Suzhou Xinhui Lian Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. After the capital increase, it will directly hold 46.6667% of its shares and control 54.6342% of its voting rights through accepting the entrustment of voting rights. This equity merger and acquisition belongs to cross-industry mergers and acquisitions.Jin Tian Cheng Law Firm stated that for a long time, regulatory authorities have maintained a relatively cautious attitude towards cross-border mergers and acquisitions. As China's economy enters a stage of high-quality development, the demand for listed companies to transform and upgrade, as well as the need for innovative target assets and technologies, is increasing. Relaxing merger and acquisition policies can encourage more resources and funds to flow towards strategic emerging industries and future industries. At the same time, it will also strongly support listed companies to actively face the growth bottlenecks of stock upgrades, accelerate industrial upgrading and technological innovation, and open up a "second growth curve". According to the policy orientation of the "M&A Six Articles", cross-industry mergers and acquisitions that meet the conditions are no longer a substantial obstacle to the merger and reorganization of listed companies.

The internal logic of cross-border mergers and acquisitions is no longer the arbitrage logic of chasing popular tracks and seeking simple asset expansion in the past, but has transformed into an industrial logic that adapts to the needs of business development.

"In the past, the results of many cross-border merger and acquisition cases did not meet expectations, and some cases even produced 'a mess' results, causing significant losses and negative impacts on listed companies and shareholders." Zheng Peimin, chairman of Rong Zheng Group, believes that investors and listed companies are more rational towards cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and regulatory authorities pay more attention to the compliance and rationality of mergers and acquisitions. The next stage of cross-border mergers and acquisitions will be promoted cautiously and orderly, and the quality of target assets is the core focus.

Mergers and acquisitions of companies planning to go public are becoming a trend.

With the help of the "east wind" of merger and reorganization policies, some listed companies are gradually forming a trend of acquiring companies planning to go public.

On October 9, Yongda Shares released a revised draft of the report on the purchase of major assets, planning to acquire 51% of the equity of Jiangsu Jinyuan High-end Equipment Co., Ltd. in cash.

Tongwei Shares plans to acquire Runyang Shares, Qinchuan IoT plans to acquire Power... According to incomplete statistics, nearly 10 A-share companies have announced the acquisition of the controlling rights of companies that have previously planned to go public or failed to go public this year.

Song Xiangqing, vice president of the China Business Economics Association and chairman of the Free Trade Port (Zone) Special Committee, said that the "marriage" between listed companies and companies planning to go public is a strategic and forward-looking cooperative behavior between enterprises, aiming to integrate high-quality resources, achieve complementary advantages, enhance enterprise competitiveness, and respond to market risks.

Song Xiangqing reminded that as a complex capital operation behavior, the "marriage" between listed companies and companies planning to go public contains both opportunities and challenges. A successful "marriage" can bring multiple benefits to enterprises, such as resource integration and market expansion, but it also requires enterprises to carefully assess potential risks and ensure that cooperation complies with legal and regulatory requirements.

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